
The latest findings from the Hemp4Circularity project.

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Hemp4Circularity: a promising journey in textile hemp cultivation and processing

When speaking of sustainable textile, hemp may be the fibre of the future. Diving into its potential, the Hemp4Circularity NWE Interreg project is conducting promising hemp cultivation and processing trials. The first results highlight the challenges and opportunities of this innovative fibre for the industrial textile value chain within the NWE region.  

Growing long fiber hemp: a survey of farmers

To better understand the cultivation of hemp for textiles (or long fiber hemp), the partners of the Hemp4Circularity project are engaging with farmers. In France, Lin et Chanvre Bio is conducting this research in Normandy and Hauts-de-France.

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Long fibre hemp: what have we learned from the 2023 trials ?

Textile hemp has made remarkable progress in recent years, including through the development of hemp harvesters for the textile sector. In 2023, the Hemp4Circularity project set up several field trials. In Belgium, Inagro and Valbiom monitored hemp fields, while Van de Bilt did so in The Netherlands and Natuvalis in Germany. Meanwhile, HOGENT conducted experiments to assess the impact of early and late harvesting on straw and fibre yield.